• 558 338 450
  • skoly@zstrinec.cz
  • Jablunkovská 241, Třinec

Visegrad Fund – Indeed for all children


Project name: Indeed for all children

Global project:

The project is aimed at disabled children in special primary schools. These children have limited travel or leisure options outside their school and family territory. The aim of the project is to work together, exchange experiences, educational practices and physiotherapy between teachers and therapists from different schools (with different educational processes and legislation). Our main goal is to improve the conditions and ways of teaching disabled children to improve their lives.

Projekt je zaměřen na handicapované děti ve speciálních základních školách. Tyto děti mají omezené možnosti cestování nebo možnosti trávení volného času mimo své území školy a rodiny. Cílem projektu je společná spolupráce, výměna zkušeností, vzdělávacích postupů a fyzioterapie mezi učiteli a terapeuty z různých škol (s různými vzdělávacími procesy a legislativou). Naším hlavním cílem je zlepšit podmínky a způsoby výuky zdravotně postižených dětí pro zlepšení jejich života.

Total grant: 22 900 E

Project partners:

Name of the organization in English: Educational and revalidational school centre in Cieszyn
Address: ul. Wojska Polskiego 3, Cieszyn, 43-400, Poland Website: www.zpswr.cieszyn.pl
Name of the organization in English: Special primary school
Address: Stred 39, Turzovka, 023 54 , Slovakia Website: www.zoznam.sk/firma/2760228/Specialna-zakladna-skola-Turzovka
Name of the organization in English: Never you are alone, w.a.
Address: Janáčkova 454/3, Třinec, 739 61 , Czech Republic Website: http://nikdynejsisam.eu
Name of the organization in English: European grouping of territorial cooperation TRITIA, Ltd
Address: Zamkowa 3A, Cieszyn, 43-400, Poland Website: www.egtctritia.eu

Project activites:

1 International artteraphy workshop Třinec (Event–Public), Trinec, CZ
International artteraphy workshop Třinec will be organized by applicant in Trinec specialised school. It will be for children from 3 specialised schools from Poland, Slovakia and Czech republic. The meeting will be artteraphy workshop for 50 handicapped children from PL, SK, CZ part-ner schools. We will use specialised art therapists for children to know some new and teachers and therapists from partners schools will learn too. The workshop will be focused on music and fine art. At the end we will prepare presentation of children Works for exhibition.
2 International meeting of teachers from specialised schools (Event–Public), Wisla, PL
The meeting will be conducted using methods and tools adapted to the handicapped children in specialised schools. The teachers, therapists and managers will show each other good practices in the institutions in which they work, in their countries: PL, SK, CZ. International meeting of teachers from specialised schools will be held like panel discussion. We plan to introduce specialised schools and their work for handicapped children. It will have three parts. The first will be for the managers from the specialised schools who will introduced their structure and the national affected legislative. Next, introducing of teaching process for groups of handicapped children and next introducing of therapists, main physiotherapists and artetherapists from these specialised schools. Part of the meeting will be evaluation of half of the project work plan. 30 people fromPL, SK, CZ will take a place on the meeting.
3 International artteraphy workshop Turzovka (Event–Public), Turzovka, SK
International artteraphy workshop Turzovka will be organized by project partner Special primary school in Turzovka. It will be for children from 3 specialised schools from Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The meeting will be artteraphy workshop for 30 handicapped children from PL, SK, CZ partner schools. It will be used specialised art therapists for children to know some new and teachers and therapists from partners schools will learn too. The workshop will be focused on music and fine art.
4 Weekend stay focused on mental and physio therapy (Event–Public), Jablunkov, CZ
Weekend stay in Jablunkov will be for children with severe mental disabilities and with slight movement disabilities for their movement. It will be in boarding house which has all necessary equipment for handicapped people, is barrier-free. Program for children will be focused for mental therapy and physiotherapy in beautiful nature surrounding. It will be for 15 children and 15 mental therapists, volunteers and parents from partner specialised schools from PL, CZ and SK. The main program for mental therapists from specialised schools will be lecture with practical illustration. The lecture will be done by specialised lecturer from Czech republic.
5 International sport and physiotherpy workshop Cieszyn (Event–Public), Cieszyn, PL
Educational and revalidational school centre in Cieszyn will organize sport day for handicapped children from all partenr specialised schools from Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The workshop will have sport part that wil by very demanding for organization and for children too. Next part of the workshop will be physiotherapy for all children (about 60) with special therapists. For teacher there will presentation of shool and facilities.
6 Physiotherapy Turzovka SK (Event–Public), Turzovka, SK
Project partner Špeciálna základná škola from Turzovka, Slovakia will organize common meeting of physiotherapists from all project partners. It will show specialised physiotherapist processes and devices for handicapped children which it uses in this school on Slovakia. It will buy new sensomotorical devices for children and use of specialised therapists to learn them new processes. These it will show to colleges from other specialised schools . Physiotherapy will run on for children during all school year and next.
7 Physiotherapy Třinec CZ (Event–Public), Třinec , CZ
Lead partner Secondary school, Primary school, Nursery school, Třinec will organize common meeting of physiotherapists and teachers from all project partners. It will show specialised physiotherapist processes and devices for handicapped children which we use in its school. It plans to buy new sensomotorical devices for children and use of specialised therapists to learn us new processes. We will show to colleges from other specialised schools (main project partners). Physiotherapy will run on for children during all school year and next.
8 Physiotherapy Cieszyn PL (Event–Public), Cieszyn, PL
Project partner Educational and revalidational school centre in Cieszyn, Poland will organize common meeting of physiotherapists from all project partners in its school. It will show specialised physiotherapist processes and devices for handicapped children which it uses in this school. It will buy new sensomotorical devices for children and use of specialised therapists to learn them new processes. These we will show to colleges from other specialised schools . Physiotherapy will run on for children during all school year and next.
9 Evaluation meeting (Event–Public), Cieszyn, PL
All project partners declare next cooperation so we will manage common meeting for evaluation of the project “Indeed for all children “ , its activities, outputs, cooperation and so on. We will set abilities for next common cooperation specialised school for handicapped children in our PL-SK-CZ border region. We will plane to write “declaration about cooperation” for next years.

Fotogalerie projektu zde.


Mezinárodní kulig v rámci projektu IVF – Indeed for all children

V jednom z mála mrazivých zimních dnů – 5. 2. 2020, které nám letošní zima přinesla, si žáci
partnerských škol z Česka, Polska a Slovenska dopřáli tzv. kulig. Akce se konala na polské straně
Beskyd v nedaleké Istebné. V krásně zasněžené krajině byla projížďka na vozech tažených koňmi
jedinečným zážitkem. Po projetí téměř hodinové trasy se účastníci kuligu zahřáli v místním hostinci u
teplého čaje a domácího občerstvení. Na závěr všechny potěšila veselá koulovačka. Sečteno a
podtrženo, akce byla vydařená. Jak moc se dozvíte i z přiložených fotografií.


Zapsala Mgr. M. Dabkowska


Vánoční dílny pro děti ze tří zemí

TŘINEC Workshop arteterapie pro děti se speciálními potřebami ze tří zemí proběhl 11. prosince ve Střední, základní a mateřské škole v Třinci v rámci projektu Indeed for children. Pro žáky škol a jejich pedagogy byly připraveny vánoční dílny, jako práce se dřevem, drátkování, malování na sklo či plstění a také zdobení perníčku nebo výroba vánočních dárků z … Pokračování textuVánoční dílny pro děti ze tří zemí

Workshop Arteterapie

Dne 11. 12. 2019 se v naší škole v rámci projektu Indeed for children uskutečnil Workshop arteterapie. Pozvání na workshop přijaly naše partnerské školy Zespół Placówek Szkolno-Wychowawczo-Rewalidacyjnych w Cieszynie a Špeciálna základná škola – Turzovka. Svou návštěvou nás poctil také náměstek hejtmana Moravskoslezského kraje Mgr. Stanislav Folwarczny. Pro žáky škol byly připraveny vánoční dílny dřevodílna, drátkování, malování na sklo či plstění, žáci si mohli ozdobit perníčky nebo si vyrobit vánoční výrobek z nejrůznějších přírodnin. Všichni si předvánoční dopoledne velmi užili.


Setkání fyzioterapeutů a speciálních pedagogů v Cieszyni

Školní rok už je v plném proudu a s ním i náš roční projekt spolupráce škol v rámci Visegrad Fund. V úterý 1. 10. 2019 jsme navštívili partnerskou školu v Cieszynie – Zespół Placówek Szkolno-Wychowawczo-Rewalidacyjnych. Měli jsme možnost nahlédnout do mnoha místností školy a vidět polské kolegy při práci. Vzhledem k zaměření našeho setkání na fyzioterapii nás zaujaly zejména cvičebny a další místnosti pro fyzioterapii, hydroterapii, místnost pro senzorickou integraci aj. Inspirací však bylo i vybavení ostatních učeben, různé výtvarné výrobky nebo školní zahrádka. Všichni jsme si ten den moc užili, nasbírali nové nápady a už se těšíme na další setkání.

Zapsala: Mgr. Anna Raab
